Wine 101

Home Decor for Wine Lovers | Drinking Wine with No Pants On

While scrolling through Pinterest drinking wine on Sunday night instead of productiviley getting my to-do list set for the week, I stumbled across a painting of a woman drinking wine & eating pizza. In her underwear! “Omg, this is who I want to be right now. My spirit guide definitely sent me to this Pin for a reason!” So, I began down the Pinterest rabbit hole & put together this collection of wine related art prints and home decor for wine lovers who also love not wearing real pants.

Here are some wineaux’s giving no f**ks in their glorious, painted lives of wine, food, and no pants to live vicariously through them. You’re welcome.

If you’d like to know more about recommended wines that pair perfectly with pizza & no pants, get into Wine 101 with our sommelier.

If you too want to be constantly reminded of your best life & snag a print (or all of them for an amazing wineaux collage) you are supporting a real human being with a creative mind who likely also enjoys drinking wine & eating in their underwear – our kindred spirits – and we would love that!

Basic Wineaux also receive a small commission if you buy this for your amazing wineaux self, your best friend or your crazy Aunt Jan that helps us produce all the amazing wine information brought to you by our sommelier & other wine experts. Thank you, you wine art, lover, home decor liker, and pants hater, you!